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The Men In Black Jump Street Crossover Is Officially Dead

Yeah, I know. This isn’t exactly a huge surprise, right? After all, we’ve already had the first trailer for the new Men In Black: International trailer, which sees Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson teaming up for a second time. With that rebooted world underway, there doesn’t seem to be much room for them to cross over with the high school-invading world of Jump Street.

But just in case you were hoping to see Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill join forces with Thompson and Hemsworth, we can go ahead and rule that out for you. It ain’t gonna happen — at least all the current evidence is pointing to this being a dead end. Speaking with Empire Magazine, Men in Black: International producer Walter Parkes pretty much said it was a done deal:

“We gave it a shot. It turned out to be an impossible match-up.”

RELATED – Men In Black: International Trailer – The Universe Is Expanding

Personally, I disagree. I think there’s a lot of crossover in terms of the humor, so long as they’re willing to take the Men in Black franchise in the R-rated direction. However, if that turned out to be a real dealbreaker for the studio, then yeah, I guess there wasn’t much else anyone could do about it.

At the end of the day, it may have been a wise business decision. Sure, the Jump Street films made hundreds of millions for the studio, but even the more successful Jump Street film was about half as successful as Men in Black 3. Perhaps they felt skewing the brand to an R rating would kill things for them, which is unfortunate.

Would you have liked to see these two franchises collide? Let me know down below!

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SOURCE: Empire Magazine (via Yahoo)

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