The upcoming New Mutants film from Fox seems to be going out of its way to paint itself as a completely different type of comic book movie. Not only is it working with a more horror slant, but the studio reportedly even delayed the film around 10 months just to make it even scarier.
Furthermore, the film seems to be devoid of the bright and colorful world we’re used to seeing in these types of movies, and is even grounded in such a way that reduces its overall scope. However, its limited setting won’t be the only way in which the film will set itself apart from most superhero films. The New Mutants will also have no costumes. This has been reported in the past, and in a new interview with Empire, director Josh Boone doubled down on that, saying:
“There are no costumes. That alone makes it different. They can’t be with the other kids at the X-Mansion. They’re too f***ed up. They’ve all killed people, whether intentionally or unintentionally.”
But what about its rating? Based on that first trailer, it wouldn’t have been a surprise if they’d opted to got the Logan route with this one in adopting an R rating. However, it sounds like they’re sticking with a PG-13 rating.
“This movie is probably the hardest PG-13 ever made. I mean, we’ve pushed it. The horror is pretty dark, but there’s also an emotional core, too. If I can scare you and make you cry: that’s the goal.”
This is probably for the best. If the past few years are any indication, it’s more than a little possible to create a scary film without resorting to an R rating. Often, that’s used too much as a crutch to go for the more exploitative stuff.
What do you think of Boone’s comments? Is sticking to a PG-13 rating a good idea? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Empire (via CBM)