The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review: Great Episode But Bad CGI | RotR

The Rings of Power Episode 3 Review: Great Episode But Bad CGI | RotR

Join Kyle (AVR) and Cam (The Cantina) as they take a journey through the Second age of Middle-earth. The Rings of Power is Amazon’s huge venture into the world of Tolkien and his Mythology. What did we think? Check out our The Rings of Power Episode 3 review!

(00:00)- Intro
(01:35)- Kyle’s Spoiler Free Rings Of Power Episode 3 Review
(08:14)- Cam’s Thoughts
(12:26)- Why All The Down Votes? & Bad Writing
(17:16)- SPOILERS: Numenor
(20:14)- Is TRoP Nerfing All The Males & Is Racism An Issue?
(34:16)- Harfoots & Meteor Man
(38:28)- The Orc Camp & Sword Theories
(45:51)- Final Thoughts

ALSO SEE: The Rings Of Power Season 1 Episode 1 & 2 Review | Review Of The Rings

There is only one Review of the Rings. Only one that can bend the fanbase to their will, and we do not share power.

All fun aside, The Rings of Power is an exploration of the myths and legends that preceded Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Journey to a time before Sauron had deceived the Elves, Men and Dwarves, a time before Mordor, Barad-Dur, Mount Doom or the Rings of Power.

The great evil, Morgoth has been finally defeated and his malice removed from the folds of the World. Yet his most loyal servant Sauron remains, and Galadriel is bent on pursuing this old enemy through fire or ice, no matter the cost.

GRADES: Episode 3

Kyle: A-
Cam: A-

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Question(s) of the week: What did you think of The Rings of Power Episode 3?

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