The Suicide Squad U.K. Release Moved One Week Earlier To July 30th

The Suicide Squad U.K. release has been moved up by one week to July 30th. The Suicide Squad‘s U.S. release will still be on August 6, however with theatres opening back up in the U.K. it has prompted WB to open the movie a week earlier. The practice of opening movies early in the U.K. is not uncommon. The vast majority of Marvel movies for example do open around a week or two early in the U.K. It’s good for me when it does happen, but not so great for my American cousins when it comes to spoilers.

Digital Spy got confirmation of this change direct from WB themselves. So that pretty much means that if you want to watch The Suicide Squad early, you’ll have to attend theatres. As far as I know the plan is still for The Suicide Squad to get a hybrid release eventually, but this could change. I think I’ve made my own desires clear enough by now that readers will know which option I’d choose. I’d much rather watch The Suicide Squad at home. In fact, my regular theatre buddy is my son who’s only 13. Therefore, theatres was never really an option for me with TSS. The film will be rated R in the U.S. and that probably means an 18 rating in the U.K.

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Therefore, I likely won’t know who all dies in TSS before my colleagues. Though if we take what James Gunn has recently said himself, it could be that working out who lives will be the greater challenge. In a recent Instagram Q&A, director Gunn was asked who dies and answered, “Almost all of them.”

I have a feeling I’m gonna like The Suicide Squad, but again, not enough to go on my own to the cinema and see it. Hopefully The Suicide Squad U.K. release for home viewing is not too far behind the States or I’ll be waiting even longer. Leave any thoughts on The Suicide Squad below as always.

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