Oh, Team Flash. A tight-knit community of do-gooders led by everyone’s favorite Speedster, Barry Allen. Sure, they tend to rotate through their fair share of Harrison Wellseseses, and an extra character or two for good measure, but by and large, their core group of Barry, Cisco, Iris, Joe, Caitlin, and some form of Wells has been pretty solid up until now. It sounds like that may be changing in the near future for a short bit.
If you’ve been keeping up with The Flash, you may have noticed that this past week a lot of sitting and leaning from Joe West in the most recent episode of the series. According to TVLine, there’s a reason for that. During the show’s hiatus, actor Jesse L. Martin suffered a back injury, and as a result, he will be taking a medical leave in order to recover, a rep from The CW said to the outlet. The network rep also added: “We wish him a full and speedy recovery and look forward to his return as Detective Joe West.”
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But how much will this impact his time on the show? It’s hard to say. It could be a short time or longer, depending on his recovery, but it is something that will be addressed, presumably in the narrative of the show in some way.
Are you sad to see Joe West leave the show for a bit? How do you think the show will handle his absence? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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