One of my favorite horror comic book writers will be releasing a new project this May via Valiant Entertainment. New York Times bestselling writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jon Davis-Hunt are part of the creative team for Shadowman #1. In this new series Jack Boniface aka Shadowman faces the terrors that tear the fabric of humanity’s world. According to Valiant, every chapter of this series is a standalone decent into horror while something more sinister emerges from the shadow.
Bunn has worked on some of my favorite titles for example Dark Horse’s Harrow County and Manor Black as well as last fall’s Punk Mambo from Valiant. “We’re taking Shadowman in some directions he’s never been taken before,” said Cullen. “He’s confronting a growing supernatural threat that is popping up all over the world. We are introducing the concept of the Blight, which is a weakening of the veil between our world and the Deadside. And these Blights occur in places of great sorrow and misery and evil.” Cullen also teased a new threat that will have a major impact beyond this series. “We’re also introducing a new villain who will be changing the face of the supernatural in the Valiant Universe.”
“If you like horror, or action, or superheroes (and certainly if you like all three of those things), then this is definitely the book for you,” stated Davis Hunt. “If you don’t like any of those things, then this book will change your mind. And did I mention the demon punching? Demons get punched. A lot.” Below you can check out the cover and some interiors for the first issue of Shadowman by Davis Hunt and Jordie Bellaire.
Editor Heather Antos says this is the perfect team to craft a frightening new take on Shadowman. “This is a horror comic dream team that looks and feels unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Everything is just… clicking. Each member of the creative team is a true master of their craft… and their craft this year is horror.”
I am very excited to see what Bunn has planned for a character like Shadowman, I look forward to seeing how he incorporates his style of horror writing in the Valiant Universe. What do you think of the preview for Shadowman #1? Let us know in the comment section below!
Valiant Entertainment’s Shadowman #1 hits comic book stands on May 20th, 2020.
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Source: Valiant Entertainment