My personal enthusiasm for the upcoming Watchmen TV series on HBO has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. As a fan of the Zack Snyder film, this seemed to be a series that was…superfluous, to say the least. If you weren’t a fan of what Snyder offered, even you had to admit it was a pretty damn faithful adaptation of the graphic novel source material. What could this show possibly have to say that’s different?
And then the plot details and set photos started to leak. This wasn’t going to be a direct adaptation. Hell, from what we could see, it seemed more like a continuation set in the same world only decades later. So, in essence, it was an alternate present-day timeline (which is kind of what the original graphic novel was back when it was released). This means that any preconceived notions we had about what’s to come had to be thrown out of the window.
RELATED – Watchmen Artist Dave Gibbons Praises HBO’s Adaptation
But how can we get excited about something we know nothing about? Well, it’s not much, but we have a new photo (or rather, a motion video), and it’s more than a little interesting.
In it, we see what looks like a cop with a yellow mask over him. What’s this guy’s deal? First of all, it feels a bit odd because it looks almost CG, but that may just be the weird nature of the image. Second, given the vigilante nature of the graphic novel’s premise, it’s hard for me not to think this guy is a typical vigilante whose costume consists of a cop outfit.
If it is indeed that, what’s his overall motivation? I hate and love this image because all it does is fill me with questions…but I guess that’s part of the point, especially when you’re a show run by Damon Lindelof.
What do you think this image is and give me your best, in-depth backstories for this guy. Is he a tortured Rorschach type or more of a Nite Owl?
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SOURCE: Watchmen