It was no secret that even though Superman died in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, that he would make his triumphant return in Justice League. Many fans hoped to see him come back wearing the iconic black Superman suit from the comics. Henry Cavill even seemed to drop hints via his social media that his character donning this suit was a possibility. We all know now that the black suit didn’t make its appearance, but why not? Michael Wilkinson, who was the costume designer on Justice League, recently spoke with Digital Spy and shed some light on the issue.
“The black suit is something that has fascinated us as filmmakers from the get-go. We saw a glimpse of it in the nightmare sequence from Man of Steel when Superman was wading through skulls, and also in the deleted scene from Justice League where you do see Clark walking through the spaceship and it’s teased in the background. When we were prepping Justice League, at first it seemed that it might be a logical choice for the look of Superman when he’s resurrected. Zack is extremely respectful and passionate about the depiction of Superman in comic books and graphic novels, and traditionally when he is resurrected, he is in the black suit. But as the tone of the film developed and we were in pre-production, the filmmakers felt that the classic red and blue suit seemed more appropriate to our story and our script. It seemed that a more positive, upbeat image of Superman was what was needed – the idea of hope and that the world could in fact be saved was important, so that’s the direction that we went.”
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Though I’ve never been much of a comic book reader (I simply wasn’t exposed to it as a kid), I have heard quite a bit about the black suit, even before Justice League. I would have liked to have seen Cavill wear the suit. From what Wilkinson said, the decision to use the classic red and blue suit seems to have been influenced by the backlash DC took from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’s dark tone. I have to say that the black Superman suit would have a been a nice nod to the comics, and I think they should have went with it.
Would you have liked to have seen the black suit? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Digital Spy