Hollywood can be a brutal and unforgiving place. We’ve seen dreams get crushed in the moviemaking machine, and we’ve seen directors cycle in and out of big budget productions due to creative differences. While Marvel Studios is largely seen as one that has their s**t together, they too have seen the departure of directors from their films after they’d been announced. Perhaps the biggest one of note is Edgar Wright’s departure from Ant-Man, but he wasn’t the only one. The other high profile departure came in the from of Patty Jenkins, who was originally on board to helm Thor 2, a film that would eventually become Thor: The Dark World.
The man who ended up taking the helm of the project was none other than Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor, and while the franchise as a whole was still riding high on The Avengers and Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World disappointed a good number of fans. Between its sloppy narrative and boring villain, it has since secured itself as one of the weaker films in the whole of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When things like this happen, it’s hard not to look back and wonder “what if?” In this case, what if Patty Jenkins had remained on board to direct the film? Would we have gotten a better film, and how different would it have been?
It turns out it would have been quite different. Speaking with Buzzfeed, Wonder Woman helmer Patty Jenkins discussed her proposed vision of Thor 2:
“I pitched them that I wanted to do Romeo and Juliet. I wanted Jane to be stuck on Earth and Thor to be stuck where he is. And Thor to be forbidden to come and save Jane because Earth doesn’t matter. And then by coming to save her … they end up discovering that Malekith is hiding the dark energy inside of Earth because he knows that Odin doesn’t care about Earth, and so he’s using Odin’s disinterest in Earth to trick him. And so it was like, I wanted it to be a grand [movie] based on Romeo and Juliet … a war between the gods and the earthlings, and Thor saves the day and ends up saving Earth.”
That certainly sounds pretty interesting — a whole lot different than what we ended up with. However, given the limited amount of information, it’s quite difficult to tell whether or not it would have resulted in a better movie.
RELATED: Patty Jenkins Talks Wonder Woman 2
However, speaking with Uproxx, Jenkins ultimately seems to believe the decision to step down was for the best.
“I don’t think I could have made a good movie out of Thor 2 because I wasn’t the right director. And I don’t think I would have been in the running for Wonder Woman as a result. And that’s one of the reasons why I’m glad I didn’t do it because I could have made a great Thor if I could have done the story that I was wanting to do. But I don’t think I was the right person to make a great Thor out of the story they wanted to do.”
We haven’t had a chance to see Wonder Woman ourselves yet (that’ll be this coming Tuesday), but from all we’ve heard, it certainly seems like things have turned out for the better. Wonder Woman seems to be killing it with early reactions, and if this carries over to overall critic reviews and audience reception, the DC Extended Universe may be in for quite the credibility boost.
What do you think of Jenkins’ Thor 2 pitch? Would you rather have seen that movie on the big screen? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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