Dolph Lundgren Set To Guest Star On ARROW

You know, if there's something that's been missing from good ol' ARROW (besides quality), it's a good Russian villain. Well, it turns out I'm in luck, because at the TV Critics Association press tour, it

LA Film Fest 2015: Carpet Interview with Luis Guzman and Edgar Garcia in ‘Puerto Ricans in Paris’

What kind of troubles can two Puerto Ricans cops cause while they’re on an investigation in Paris? Lots. This hilarious buddy cop movie takes two Latinos from New York and transplant them in France for

Artwork from Neil Blomkamp’s Secret and Cancelled ‘Alien’ Movie

Director Neill Blomkamp was secretly working on an “Alien” movie before his directorial debut with “District 9.” Now it looks like a pipe dream. The director revealed several concept images of the film, including the