It’s been a while since we’ve been able to indulge in the orange-tinted visual stylings of Michael Bay. Love him or hate him, the dude has an unmistakable style, and while we did get 13 Hours from him a few years back, I don’t care for war movies, so it’s been several years since I’ve seen anything non-Transformers-related from the guy.
His next big project is called 6 Underground, and it sees Ryan Reynolds zipping around Italy, destroying everything in his wake — Bad Boys style. Check out all the hell he’s inadvertently raising in the new trailer down below!
Admittedly, some of those visual gags are kind of funny, and they bring back a sort of irreverence that we’ve seen in his Bad Boys movies in the past, as well as the more recent Pain & Gain, which was almost completely dark in its humor.
This time around, he has an ace in his sleeve in the form of Deadpool and Zombieland: Double Tap writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. So long as he sticks to the script, this could be an unexpectedly good time at home.
What do you think of the new trailer for 6 Underground? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Netflix