The Star Wars sequel trilogy is soon coming to a close and it has had its fair share of controversy and a hefty dose of divisiveness amongst the fan base. We have in one corner the fans who love this new sequel trilogy as much as the original trilogy, then we have some fans that think it’s almost as bad, if not worse than the prequel trilogy. Most readers will know I stand somewhat closer to the latter of these two positions, though I am not insane enough to believe the prequel trilogy was better than these movies, I leave that level of insanity for my colleague Seth McDonald (hi Seth).
My honest opinion is that whilst I don’t like The Last Jedi and I enjoy The Force Awakens a little more, I also believe that a lot of the problems from The Last Jedi came from the way The Force Awakens left the narrative going into that movie, not to mention the fact that Poe didn’t really feel like a lead in TFA and hadn’t even met Rey yet. There are fans out there though who think Rian Johnson failed to follow up on clever seeds (not my words) left by J.J. Abrams in Episode 7. I’m not so sure about that, unless you wanted as much of a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back as The Force Awakens was of A New Hope.
Anyway, Abrams and the cast of The Rise of Skywalker were recently interviewed by SciFiNow and after the details were shared on social media, so what did Abrams have to say about The Rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi?
“As we know with Star Wars fans, some will love it, some will hate it.”
Hmm, I’m pretty sure that’s called ignoring the criticism of a big section of the fan base, but ok. I certainly don’t remember half the fans loving and hating the original trilogy in equal measure, nor the prequel trilogy for that matter where the majority were not on board. Abrams also went on to talk about The Last Jedi and how it did not undo things he had started in The Force Awakens.
“I couldn’t concentrate on VIII and IX, because I was trying to make The Force Awakens.”
I think that’s a big part of the problem for me Mr Abrams. But let’s get onto what he said about The Last Jedi.
“Nothing he (Rian Johnson) was doing undid anything I thought was where the story would go, it’s a continuation of the story. But as you know, stories have turns and twists.”
It remains to be seen how well The Rise of Skywalker fits together with both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Ultimately unless I’m shockingly blown away by the movie, I feel like the problems for this came with the rush to get that first movie made.
Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012, also buying George Lucas’ outline for a new trilogy. However, when he agreed to come on board as director, Abrams insisted on throwing out Lucas’ vision and starting again. Abrams then wanted more time, but Disney was insistent that The Force Awakens had to arrive in 2015, to start making back some of the outlay they spent acquiring Lucasfilm. Perhaps with a delay and a little more time, Abrams could have paid more thought to where the story would go after his tenure. I get the feeling, and always have done, that Abrams was only interested in his movie and making it as much like the OT as he possibly could. To me, this interview backs that up a little.
RELATED:Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Daisy Ridley Describes The Film In Three, Wait, Four Words
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SOURCE: SciFiNow Magazine