Author: David Kozlowski

David Kozlowski

David Kozlowski is a writer, podcaster, and visual artist. A U.S. Army veteran, David worked 20 years in the videogame industry and is a graduate of Arizona State University's Film and Media Studies.

Revelations About The Future Of Star Wars From Inside LucasFilm

Everyone has a particular Star Wars memory. We all remember the first time we saw the films and how we connected with its characters, settings, or concepts. I saw the original Star Wars: Episode IV

Deadpool 2: The Vanessa Conundrum — Where Can Morena Baccarin’s Character Go In The Sequel?

The goal of any movie franchise is to build upon what came before while addressing its audience's expectations. In a film like last year's unconventional (and record-breaking) Deadpool, which kicked the superhero genre squarely in

Netflix Breaks Into Feature Animation With A Historical Tale Featuring Channing Tatum

Seems like each week there's some new article bemoaning the dearth of creativity and risk-taking in film and television. The prevailing sentiment being that Hollywood is only interested in producing sequels, licensed properties, or reboots.

Tom Holland & Jon Watts Defend Spider-Man: Homecoming As Something New And Different

Is Spider-Man stuck in a creative rut, or is Sony just afraid to take risks with the character? After watching the latest official trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, I was struck by how similar it felt,

[UPDATED] Joss Whedon Enters The DCEU to Write, Produce, And Direct Batgirl

UPDATE: Since this initial report from Variety, EW has come out and shared some rumors from their sources regarding what to expect from this version of Batgirl. According to the outlet, they'll be using the New 52 version

Deadwood’s David Milch Sought To Revive The Corpse of HBO’s True Detective

Finding, building, and sustaining a successful television franchise in today's overcrowded media marketplace is an immense challenge for any network. You might argue that the process is more magic than science. However, over the last

Arrow ‘Disbanded Trailer’: The Series Finally Emerges From Batman’s Shadow

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for the most recent episode of Arrow. I've been with Arrow since the very start; through the good, the bad, and Season 4 too. Arrow has (arbuably) returned to form in

A Crazy New Red Band Trailer You Just Have To See For In Bruges Director’s Next Flick

We see a lot of blockbuster, big-budget movie trailers here at LRM, and sometimes it's easy to overlook smaller films telling simple, personal stories. But every once in a while a new independant feature appears

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: James Gunn Thinks Michael Rooker Deserves An Oscar, Plus The Franchise’s Future

Just pause for a moment and consider that right now, as of today, we're on-track for a brand new Spider-Man movie, a full-on Justice League film just dropped a trailer, shooting is well-underway for Avengers:

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Running Time Revealed, Why It Matters

Director James Gunn has set high expectations for Marvel's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 film. The sequel expands upon the backgrounds of its main characters, while also fleshing out its cast with major