Avengers: Endgame is the film everyone is talking about of course without revealing any spoilers because as we know “Thanos demands your silence” so that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the film in all it’s glory. With that said this week we are getting a lot of information about why they made some of the decisions that they made for the two films that also include Avengers: Infinity War. For example, we learned earlier via an interview with the creator of Thanos Jim Starlin of why they chose not to use Death in the story. Turns out Marvel was unsure about how people would react to an abstract character like Death in the MCU. But as it turns out that is not the only character they said no to.
In an interview with The New York Times, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely talked about another very abstract and unfamiliar character that they wanted to put in Avengers: Infinity War. Markus revealed that, “we did try to put the Living Tribunal in the first movie. We wrote a scene in which he appeared during the Titan fight. And everyone was like, what?” McFeely then added that, “whoa. He’s got three heads. It would indicate a whole different level of architecture to the universe and I think that was too much to just throw in.”
This cosmic character was first introduced into the Marvel Universe in Stranger Tales #157 in June, 1967. He was created by Stan Lee, Marie Severin and Herb Trimpe. His role in the universe is to protect the worlds without end. Protecting the multiverse from mystical imbalances and is above the realms of death and eternity, order, chaos and all opposing realities. He has three faces each which have their own significance. His half cloaked face represents vengeance, his cloaked face represents necessity and his full face represents equity.
As we know the Living Tribunal did not make it into either of the films, but the two screen writers don’t deny a possibility for his appearance in the future. “The idea’s still in Kevin [Feige]’s court” said Markus. Possibly in the Eternals film? Or a future Dr. Strange film? What do you think, would you like to see the Living Tribunal in a future MCU film? Let us know in the comment section below!
Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame is now playing everywhere.
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Source: The New Your Times