BBC One has released the first trailer for their adaptation of the (in)famous H.G. Wells story. It will be a three-episode miniseries and see the story told in a period piece way versus 2005’s modern take starring Tom Cruise.
Most everyone knows that the novel was adapted and broadcast on CBS Radio in the late 1930’s in a way that made it seem like an actual invasion was happening. There were people that thought the fake newscasts were real and got scared, but the urban myth of mass hysteria is just that, a myth.
The upcoming mini-series will star Elizabeth McGovern, Adel Becherif, Natasha Little, Daisy Edgar Jones, and Gabriel Byrne.
If you like alien invasion films, including the previously mentioned 2005 film, check out last week’s LRM Ranks It where we ranked our favorite alien invasion films.
An official release date has not been set but earlier reports expected it to be late 2019.
Are you excited about the mini-series? What’s your favorite version of the story? Let us know in the comments below!
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