Again, if you haven’t watched last night’s episode of Game of Thrones, you should probably stop reading, spoilers for both this episode and Avengers: Endgame are everywhere, (right Jammer?). This won’t be an article talking much about the technical decisions made during for episode, I will just say, yeah, it was a little hard to see at times, but for me and my friends, it enhanced the experience.
One thing that wasn’t hard to see at all was how little Lady Mormont met her end. Going out like a champ, fighting someone the same size as her attitude, a giant, a giant wight. The undead giant broke through the gate, and took a swipe at Lady Mormont, knocking her off screen. At first, I thought this initial blow did her in, it would have been the end of many grown men, but not the feisty little bear.
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She rose from the chaos that had now engulfed the legendary home of the Starks, and without an ounce of fear in her eyes made a run for the giant, he snatches her up and is about to eat her when she shoves some dragon glass in his eye and cements her legacy as peraps the most fearless person in westeros.
Bella Ramsey, the actress who plays Lyanna Mormont, recently spoke with Variety about how her character’s epic end was brought to life. You can check out what she had to sy below.
“I was in a big claw machine, it was like a robot, it was programmed to do certain moves, to shake me about and simulate being lifted up by a giant, so that was intense. I was very high, maybe 20 foot up in the air, and I had the dragon glass in my hand and the eye of the giant was actually a green polystyrene ball.”
Ramsey continued revealing the advice Miguel Sapochnik gave her.
“He said someone removed Lyanna’s fear gene, so fear isn’t part of her vocabulary, isn’t one of the emotions that she feels. We really talked about that and how she would react to the giant and what’s going on in her face and in her mind. It was sheer determination and courage that she wasn’t intimidated by this giant, this was just another object to face in the battle.”
She definitely had no s**ts left to give, she rushed the giant with no hesitation, and I thought it was quite a fitting end for the character,. She was enlisted in the Army of the Dead, but her time there was brief, thanks to the ultimate badass, Arya stark (I absolutely love it was Arya that ended that smirking blue ice zombie).
What did you think of Lady Mormont’s end? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Variety