Last year, Netflix released a short, four-episode season of Castlevania. Based on the video game of the same name, the show follows monster hunter Trevor Belmont, who takes on the forces of Vlad Dracula Tepes, who seeks vengeance against the people of Wallachia, who burned his wife at the stake.
More than anything, this short run seemed to be something of a pilot, gauging whether or not going forward with a full series was in the cards. We already know that a third season has been given the go-ahead by Netflix, but when can we expect the second season to hit?
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News has now come out of Anime Expo that Season 2 of Castlevania will land on the streaming service on October 26, 2018 — just in time to take advantage of the Halloween season. Executive Producer Adi Shankar was the one to announce the news, which makes sense since he’s been sort of the figurehead of the project ever since it came to light last year.
Below is the official synopsis for Castlevania:
“Inspired by the classic video game series, Castlevania is a dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. The animated series is from Frederator Studios, a Wow! Unlimited Media company, written by best-selling author and comic book icon Warren Ellis and executive produced by Warren Ellis, Kevin Kolde, Fred Seibert and Adi Shankar.”
Are you going to be checking out Season 2 this October? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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