Watching the world of shared universes evolve has been eternally interesting for me. The Marvel Cinematic Universe had a pretty straightforward structure initially. The movies started out fairly standalone before slowly becoming more and more intertwined, with there being breaths of fresh air into completely detached films every so often. Warner Bros. seemed keen to catch up with that early on, and as a result, mashed their worlds together very early on.
Now, years later, it’s easy to see that was the wrong approach, and the only critical successes they’ve had have been with films that have been character-focused, standalone pieces. Now, the studio seems set on making these movies more standalone fares with a potential to crossover, and with big characters like Batman and Deadshot being recast, it’s clear they’ve become a different beast from the MCU altogether. But does that mean a Justice League 2 is out of the question any time soon? Wonder Woman 1984 helmer Patty Jenkins seems to think so.
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“I sort of hope that we don’t do a Justice League movie for a little while because I’m excited to see all of their movies. I want to see Aquaman 2, I want to see Flash,” she told THR.
This desire seemed all but confirmed by DC Films producer Peter Safran, who seemed to hit at a very specific approach to their movies going forward.
“I think that when you’re making really strong stand-alone movies, there’s really no need to bring them together. You want to give these characters room to breathe and live, and tell their stories.”
With Wonder Woman and Aquaman being the successes they are, it’s no surprise he’s confident.
“Wonder Woman has shown what a great stand-alone property that is,” Safran continued. “And in Aquaman, we feel the same way. We think that there’s a great sequel and beyond to tell. We introduce seven kingdoms of Atlantis, right? James Wan knows the architecture, the armory, the military, the look, the feel, the general vibe of each of these kingdoms, and I’m sure that there will be an opportunity to explore them in some way later on.”
Do you think this is the right approach for DC? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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