If you’ve read any of the early reactions for Deadpool 2 (link in the RELATED section) then you have probably noticed people are going crazy over the post-credits scene. While only the folks that were lucky enough to see the film early know exactly what that scene is about (Unfortunately I was not one of them), we do have some news on a post-credits scene that was cut from the film, due to its nature being too dark.
A description of the scene from GamesRadar follows below.
‘‘Deadpool in a newborn ward. Standing next to A Hitler. He goes back and forth on doing it. A baby cries and he says ‘Shut up Ira, you’ll thank me someday!’. Finally, he goes for it, then baby Hitler’s POV as Deadpool strangles him.”
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Yeah, even taking into account it was Hitler, that’s pretty dark, even for Deadpool. One of the worst figures in history, but it is still a baby, and had they left this scene in, they were asking for some sort of backlash. With all the ranting and raving about the post-credits scene that was left in the film, it appears as if the powers that be made the right choice.
What are your thoughts on the scene? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: GamesRadar (via CBM)