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Do Jessica Drew Spider-Woman Film Rumors Hint At…Secret Invasion?

Oh, Sony. Sony, Sony, Sony. What’re you doing with your lives? I honestly don’t know how to feel about these guys. Occasionally, some of their ideas kind of interest me, but by and large, their moves come across as Napoleonic in nature, at best. It’s almost as if they feel the need to constantly prove that they can hang with the big studios and do just as well as them. This is especially the case with their Marvel films, which our own Kyle Malone believes are dangerous to the well-being of the MCU. Enter Spider-Woman.

Actually, let’s hang back a second. Earlier this week, the studio announced they would be releasing another film in October of 2021. But what could it be? My money was on a Kraven the Hunter movie, but as my LRMornings co-host so astutely pointed out, that would mean we’d get two Spider-Man-centric stories in one year. Not likely. 

RELATED – Sony Releasing Another Marvel Film In 2021 — Could It Be Kraven The Hunter?

Could it be a Sinister Six? That was definitely a possibility, but it did still feel just a tad early. 

Here Comes The Spider-Woman?

Well, rumor has it that the film will actually be a Jessica Drew-centered Spider-Woman movie. This rumor comes from Daniel Richtman and Grace Randolph, so it’s not just from one source. That being said, as with all rumors, grain of salt and all that. That being said, it does sound like this is happening, and if it’s going to hit that 2021 date, actual progress will be coming FAST.

Spider-Woman first made an appearance in Marvel Spotlight #32, and she went on to front her own fifty-issue series.

I have to say…this is pretty disappointing on the surface. While Jessica Drew did have her own standalone run, she’s better known (at least nowadays) from the Secret Invasion storyline. If that’s the case, then there are a couple of possibilities, but let’s explore Spider-Woman from a rights perspective.

Spider-Woman Rights Quagmire

As it turns out, she is a character that is shared by both Marvel Studios and Sony. Marvel Studios can use the name Jessica Drew, but can’t call her Spider-Woman or have her have any of the Spider-Woman powers. Sony, on the other hand, has full use rights in the movies. With this in mind, it is very possible — dare I say probable — that this is just going to be a Spider-Woman universe set within the VenomVerse. 

HOWEVER, who’s to say this isn’t a play from Sony? We all know how fragile Disney and Sony’s relationship is. Last year, we even saw Spider-Man briefly hop out of the MCU, proving Sony is totally willing to go solo. That being said, they may have also realized how much fan enthusiasm there is for Marvel Studios over them. I also get the impression that they really want to weave themselves into the MCU more than they want to go off on their own.

Backdoor Secret Invasion?

We are already hearing rumors that Marvel is planning a Secret Invasion arc over the next phase or two of projects. Could this potentially be a play from Sony? If they wave the character around in front of Marvel Studios (who can’t use the character in its entirety), can they see a potential way for the titan to bring them deeper into the fold?

It may be a long shot, but I’d like to think that Sony has at least a little bit of common sense. While Venom did well for them and Morbius is looking…passable, they have to know the goodwill they’ll lose if they split off too heavily from Disney. For all we know, they could actually be working with the House of Mouse to make this happen, but that’s all speculation on my part.

What do you think of all this? Do you hope to see Spider-Woman hit theaters? If so, in what capacity? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: The Cosmic Wonder, Grace Randolph, Daniel Richtman

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