LRMonline GenreVerse

Gambit: When Might We See Channing Tatum’s X-Men Movie?

With Hugh Jackman’s last Wolverine movie Logan opening next week, LRM Online had a chance to sit down with the movie’s producers, SImon Kinberg and Hutch Parker, and ask about the future of Fox’s mutant franchise.

One of the movies that was announced, dated and then has been playing the “director shuffle” for the past year or more is a movie about everyone’s favorite Cajun mutant Gambit, with Channing Tatum committed to playing the popular X-Men character.

Because having Tatum sounds like such a great idea on paper where fans of the character are hoping it will happen soon, we asked Kinberg about when we might see that movie.

“Yeah, it is going to happen, and it’s just a question…,” Kinberg began, pausing to choose his next words carefully. 

“Channing is—in the best possible way—as committed and as rigorous about getting the character right as Ryan was with Deadpool and as Hugh was with Logan on this movie, and so it’s been about finding a filmmaker and someone who can capture that voice and hand it off to Channing. But he’s been a really critical part of the process, and we’re hoping that the movie—probably given his schedule—will be ready to go this year and probably shoot next year.”

Look for more with Kinberg and Parker over the next few hours and days, because we talked about a lot of cool superhero movies they’ve either produced or written for Fox… and a couple that didn’t fare as well. And look for our interview with director James Mangold next week.

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