The Stark family has always been thought of as “the good guys” on HBO’s hit series Game of Thrones. In a cruel and unforgiving world like Westeros, morals and ethics can quickly be tossed aside in favor of personal gain and often times survival. The Starks have shown to be different, even in a morally ambiguous world, they at least attempt to do what is right.
With most of the family having been separated since the first season, and some of them having met untimely deaths, fans have long dreamed about what a Stark family reunion would be like. While Sansa Stark and her now cousin, Jon Snow have reunited, Bran and Arya are still yet to find their way home. A video from Entertainment Weekly asked the actors that portray the Starks what they think a reunion would entail.
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Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, thinks a reunion might actually be a bit awkward:
“It would all kind of be a bit strange after everything that they’ve gone through I think it might be quite a quiet dinner together or something.”
Kit Harrington, who plays fan favorite Jon Snow is a fan of Turner’s dinner idea, “A big ol’ party, big ol’ feast.”
Isaac Hempstead Wright, better known to fans as Bran Stark says, “All the Starks could, you know, have a meal that didn’t end in all of them getting murdered.”
The cast members seem to be leaning toward a nice family dinner, which would certainly give them time to talk about everything that has happened since they were last together. Fans know the world of Game of Thrones has little justice, so even the most optimistic fans aren’t getting their hopes up for a Stark family reunion just yet. With Arya assumedly on her way home to Winterfell, Bran seems to be the odd man out, as they rest of the Starks would probably have to come to him.
The shortened seventh season of Game of Thrones begins on July 16 2017.
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Source: Entertainment Weekly
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