Game Of Thrones: Programming Head Clears Up Spinoff Details

As reported not long ago by us at LRMonline, George R.R. Martin revealed on his notablog website that HBO now had plans for five prequel ‘spinoffs’ of the popular fantasy series Game of Thrones. Martin noted that there was no way to tell how many of those ideas would be turned into actual shows.

Entertainment Weekly recently spoke with the HBO programming president, Casey Bloys, about the potential shows and clarified exactly what is going on:

“I want to put the prequels in context,” said Bloys. “It should go without saying I love having a show with this much intense interest around it. Even the smallest bit of information is a big deal and I appreciate that. But I wanted to make sure fans know this is a really embryonic process,” said Bloys.

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Bloys continued, saying finishing Game of Thrones is the number one objective:

“I haven’t even seen outlines. In the press at large, everybody said, ‘There are four spinoffs’ and they assume that means each one is happening and we’re going to have a new Game of Thrones show per quarter. That’s not what’s going on. The idea is not to do four shows. The bar set by [showrunners Benioff and Weiss] is so high that my hope is to get one show that lives up to it. Also, this is a long-term plan. Our No. 1 goal is the seventh season this summer, and getting the eighth season written and aired.”

It is good to know finishing Game of Thrones takes priority over any spinoffs, and the show will end with the way the showrunners intended. Attempting to deliver four, or even five, shows of the same quality that branch off from, or are a prequel to, Game of Thrones would be like trying to climb Mount Everest barefoot, it’s a fool’s errand. Martin, Benioff, Weiss, and HBO have really created something special with their adaptation of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. It is understandable why they are taking the process extremely slow as they would not want to tarnish Westeros’ legacy by delivering subpar spinoffs.

What do you think of the prequel/spinoff process? Let us know in the comments down below!

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