Want to dress like Darth Vader? Learn how down below!
Hey, LRM readers!
Are you a fan of games, or specifically trivia games, and even more specifically, geeky trivia games? Do you like winning cool s**t with virtually no effort on your part?
Well, get ready, because we got just the upcoming LRM podcast series for you! We call it LRM’s Trivia Gauntlet of Infinite Doom! So, what is it?
It’s a movie trivia game unlike any other that will test the skills of even the most knowledgeable movie geeks. Every week, a group of LRM contributors will have their knowledge put to the test in the new game show series.
We may be the ones playing, but YOU will be the ones winning!
How Does It Work?
Us writers will be playing on behalf of you, the LRM readers. More specifically, one contributor will represent one reader. There will be three contestants per episode, with three readers in the running to win the prize of the week. If your LRM representative wins, you win!
This week’s prize: A gorgeous and voluptuous Darth Vader Adult Soft Throw Blanket with Sleeves. With this comfy bastard, you’ll be the belle of the Life Day Ball!
So, How Do You Participate?
All you have to do is be one of the first three readers to email editor-in-chief Joseph Jammer Medina at [email protected]. Use the subject header “LRM Gauntlet.” In the email, say “I want an LRM contributor to run the gauntlet for me!” and be sure to leave your name (and your Disqus username, if applicable).
RELATED – Star Wars Rumor: Lucasfilm Looking At Darth Vader Disney+ Show
Then tune back to LRM Online on June 4. We will release the podcast episode that day where you will hear who represents you and whether or not you’ve won the big prize for the episode.
So, what are you waiting for? Send us an email now and win the opportunity to dress like Darth Vader!
And don’t forget. The first episode LRM’s Trivia Gauntlet of Infinite Doom will air June 4 at LRMOnline.com, LRM’s YouTube channel, and wherever you get podcasts (you can check out the listening options below)!
So shoot us an email — and don’t forget to keep your browsers tuned to LRM Online!
Unfortunately, this opportunity is only available for U.S. residents…for now….
Continue the LRM Online conversation on Discord by CLICKING HERE!
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