Kevin Smith’s movies have always been packed with homages to pop culture. Back in the days of Clerks, he was making jokes about Star Wars, and the world of Mallrats has tons of comics talk in it. It makes sense in the case of Mallrats because one of the leads was a total comic book junkie way before it was cool to be a comic book junkie, and as we found out in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, he went on to open his own comic book shop, Brodie’s Secret Stash.
Brodie was also recognizable thanks to his brown….blazer…dinner jacket…jacket? But underneath that blazer (I’m going with blazer) he wears a shirt with an out of focus face on it. I personally never wondered who the shirt was a face of, but apparently, people have asked Kevin Smith, and Smith has taken this opportunity to turn this into an homage in his latest film Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.
RELATED – Kevin Smith Launches Production Diaries For Jay And Silent Bob Reboot
As we all know, the great Stan Lee is no longer with us, and while Smith had hoped for Lee to have cameo in this film, he’s still putting a pretty cool tribute. As revealed in the latest production diary video, rather than have it be the same shirt, as usual, he opted to put in an in-focus photo of Stan Lee, hinting at the idea that the face was Lee all along. Classy stuff, Smith.
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SOURCE: Kevin Smith