Disney’s Maleficent, which was based off of the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, focused on an evil fairy that cursed an infant princess to eternal sleep. This film that was released in 2014 broke several box office records and ended up making $758.5 million worldwide.
Numbers like these as well as positive audience reviews make it easy for executives over at Disney to call for a sequel. So far we know that Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning are on board to return. Also thanks to Variety we know that Deadpool actor Ed Skrein is in final negotiations to join that film as well. As far as his role it is said that he is to play the villain in the film although details have not yet been revealed. Besides his part in Deadpool he is also known for his character Daario Naharis in HBO’s Game of Thrones.
The film will be directed by Joachim Ronning who recently directed Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. It is being produced by Joe Roth with Jez Butterworth and Linda Woolverton working on the script.
He did a good job at being the villain in Deadpool, it will be interesting to see the plot for the Maleficent sequel and what kind or role Skrein portrays. Not to mention if Maleficent’s character will turn heel at any point being that she is mostly known as a villain and not a hero.
What are your thoughts on a Maleficent sequel? Let us know in the comment section below!
Production for Maleficent 2 is scheduled to start sometime this year.
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Source: Variety