Marvel’s Halloween Special rumored to be a bit of an acquired taste. One of the newer Marvel leakers, linked here, or below, claims to have seen footage. The claim is that the production looks deliberately cheap and campy, as if that’s the style they were going for. Check it out.
Saw some stuff for the Marvel Halloween Special, #WerewolfByNight. It’s very VERY camp. It’s cheap looking, old school, and it’s ALL done intentionally. I can see some people liking it for those reasons but it definitely won’t be for everyone.
— CanWeGetSomeToast (@CanWeGetToast) July 31, 2022
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, here is what the insider thinks of the suit worn by the lead character when wolfing out.
I will add that this is all my subjective takes on what I saw. Obviously you can see it and might LOVE it. In my opinion, I thought it was pretty poor.
— CanWeGetSomeToast (@CanWeGetToast) July 31, 2022
I’m not against camp if it’s done in a way that works within the larger MCU canon. However the way this is described doesn’t sound very MCU to me? We also have to remember that we have no idea when this is due out,m but assume in time for Halloween this year. Marvel has never really made this show official by giving it a title or a date. However we know it was directed by Michael Giacchino who has spoken about his excitement about the shoot already.
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First off, I am not 100% on the leakers hit rate. They are new’ish’ to me who follows all these things, but seem to have at least a few hits. Secondly, even if correct, as said, this is merely personal opinion and it may be others have a different take.
I guess we will have to wait and see? I expected this Werewolf by Night Halloween Special to get announced at SDCC with the other Phase 5 news. However I do think we will hear more at D23, and I still think the idea is Halloween this year on Disney+.
What do you think as Marvel’s Halloween Special rumored to be a bit of an acquired taste? As always let us know what you think about anything related to this Halloween Special below, or over on Discord.