The second season of Punisher is now out for your viewing pleasure. Though it’s been well received for the most part, there’s a chance, rumors at least, that the show may suffer the same fate as other Marvel shows on Netflix such as Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
While Punisher’s fate remains unknown for now Steven Lightfoot, a showrunner on Punisher, would like to head up another TV show starring a Marvel character, Blade. Lightfoot recently spoke with and expresed his interest in bringing the character to the small screen.
“I think, again, this is just me, I have zero idea where any of these things are, but I’m a big Blade fan. I would always be excited to see that one done for TV, I think you could do an amazing television version of that.”
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The character received a big screen trilogy around the turn of the century that had Wesley Snipes in the role of the half bloodsucker, half human, who was on a mission to rid the world of vamps. For a few months now there have been bits and pieces of rumors that we might see the character back on the big screen as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though no official word has come down.
Where would you rather see Blade show up, small screen or big screen? Let us know in the comments down below!
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