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Robert Pattinson Gets Some Sound Batman Advice From Christian Bale

It shouldn’t be more than another decade or so before we get to see Robert Pattinson’s portayal of the Caped Crusader. Coming as no surprise, his casting was met with some backlash from fans, but with a character like Batman, it’s all part of the gig.  Pattinson, who unfortunately, is probably most well-known for playing the vampire Edward in the Twilight (I say unfortunately because, the guy has made other films, in which he’s been pretty good, (yet his performance in films based on teen romance novels is what he’s held to) love his casting or hate it, Pattinson will soon step into the boots of one of the most beloved superheroes of all-time.

Christian Bale, who has also worn the cape and cowl in Christopher Nolan’s more grounded take on the character gave Pattinson some interesting advice which you can see in the post below.

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Yeah, I guess being in the Batsuit and having someone assist you in the bathroom, might throw one’s performance, if the Bat can’t get his own Batzipper down, what chance does he have against Gotham City’s finest? Couldn’t the crew build some sort of contraption in the suit where the actor can relieve himself without the help of others? Or Just make an easy access port of some kind?

It’s safe to say that while Pattinson most likely appreciates Bale’s tongue-in-cheek advice, it’s probably the least of his worries. All eyes will be on him, just like they were on Tupac, albeit for much different reasons. I say watch the movie first, or at least a trailer before making up your mind. I won’t even go into Ledger’s casting and how he shocked nerds with his performance as the Joker, but that alone should make people give Pattinson the benefit of the doubt.

The film’s director, Matt Reeves, has been working on the film for about 15-20 years now, so with all that time to do some fine-tuning, the film should be damn near perfect. I am exaggerating ever so slightly on the film’s long production of course, but seriously, I have faith in Reeves because of how Rise of the Planet of the Apes sort of came out of nowhere. Yeah, it was a big-budget film, with James Franco, but I am more referring to how myself and many other’s said, “That was a surprisingly good f*****g movie.”

I’ve never watched the Twilight films, wasn’t my type of story, and even if I had, I wouldn’t base my opinions on Pattinson’s being cast as Batman on the way I feel about the Twilight franchise. At least for the time being, for me,  Pattinson is Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. However, I wish him all the luck on becoming fans’ favorite Batman, myself included.

Robert Pattinson yay, or Robert Pattinson nay? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Variety (via ComingSoon)

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