Have any of you ever purchased an item while you were drunk? While often times the transactions made while inebriated turn out to be fiscally irresponsible and overall bad ideas, it seems that’s not always the case. especially when you’re an A-list celebrity hanging out at the house of another A-list celebrity.
Such is the case with Russell Crowe buying a dinosaur skull from Leonardo Dicaprio for around $35K. Crowe recently told the story while appearing on The Howard Stern Show. Excerpts are down below and the video is at the top of the article for your viewing pleasure:
“I bought it for my kids, and you know, cut myself a little bit of slack here, there was a bunch of vodka involved in the transaction and it happened at Leonardo’s house.
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Crowe continued, saying:
“[DiCaprio] started the conversation, he’s like, ‘I got this one, but there’s another one coming on the market that I really want so I’m trying to sell this one,’ and I said, ‘Well, I’ll buy it.’ I said ‘How much you want for it?’ He was pretty cool about it, he said, ‘Just give me what I paid for it,’ and I think he paid 30, 35 grand for it.”
Russell Crowe might have made the greatest drunken purchase of all-time, as many, if not most of us have bought something during a wild night out and regretted it in the morning,
What’s the strangest thing you’ve purchased while intoxicated? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: The Howard Stern Show (Via Vulture)