J.J. Abrams & Henry Abrams To Release A Spider-Man Mini-Series This September

There has been a lot of buzz about the spider-web countdown that was being posted by Marvel Entertainment on their official Twitter account. The only clue that we had was a hashtag that said #MarvelComics.

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker -The Capacity In Which [Spoiler] Will Appear in The Film

****SPOILERS FOR STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER FOLLOW BELOW**** ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . The big ones left for 2019 include Netflix's Stranger Things, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and of course Star

Christopher Nolan’s Tenet Rumored To Cost Around $225M To Make

If you're a filmmaker, you don't really get freer than Christopher Nolan. Sure, some could point to Quentin Tarantino as the REAL auteur of the two, but Nolan is the one really pushing high-concept ideas

Hobbs & Shaw Poster Brings The Testosterone

We may not be getting a Fast & Furious film this year, but that's all right. Let's be real: the Fast & Furious franchise really hit a whole new level of awesome when Dwayne Johnson

Rick And Morty Creators Defend Game Of Thrones Season 8

Fans of Adultswim's Rick and Morty are no stranger to waiting on new seasons of the show, as the series is known for its long hiatuses. As it turns out the creators of the show

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Is OUT NOW!

Have you been sitting at your desk, twiddling your thumbs, hoping that tomorrow would come and that the mobile game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite would just hurry up and come a day early? Are you

Want Halloween 2? You Got It!

Sometimes reboots are an awful thing. Sometimes they only taint what came before it and end up being nothing but meaningless cash grabs. Sometimes, however, you get the exact opposite. You get a film that

Trolls World Tour Trailer Brings In Every Type Of Music Imaginable

A few years back, I was in a particularly foul mood. Things weren't going my way, so instead of facing my problems like an adult, I instead walked into an animated kids film, and I

Russell Crowe Once Drunkingly Purchased A Dinosaur Skull From Leonardo DiCaprio

https://youtu.be/KzYGjni_x-w Have any of you ever purchased an item while you were drunk? While often times the transactions made while inebriated turn out to be fiscally irresponsible and overall bad ideas, it seems that's not

A Quiet Place 2 Begins Production

A Quiet Place 2 has moved into production. The sequel to the grab-you-by-the-seat-of-your-pants monster movie will hit theaters on May 15, 2020. That’s less than a year away and we will see the blind aliens