In recent years, the 1993 Disney film Hocus Pocus has become a Halloween movie tradition. The witches-in-Salem tale starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy has grown in popularity and has enjoyed it’s television home on the Freeform network—the movie was played 30 times in the month of October, including an all-day marathon on All Hallows’ Eve.
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With the film being a part of the gigantic Disney+ library starting November 12th, Parker was recently asked by The Hollywood Reporter if a sequel was in the works for the streaming service or for theatrical release. Parker responded:
“No, I don’t know. There has never been a conversation ever in our lives. Someone just asked me on Instagram, and I said: ‘We all said we’d love to someday.’ But that’s the extent of the conversation. I’ve been asked so much recently about this — it’s a seasonal question… it’s appropriate!”
On Instagram, Parker was asked by a follower, “Any chance of a sequel?” Parker responded to the follower by commenting “we have all said yes. Now we wait.” Thanks to this writer’s numerous viewings of the movie last month at the requests of his offspring, it’s easy to believe that the three stars had a fun time making the film. While 26 years have gone by since the film, it’s feasible to make a sequel that could be both enjoyable and profitable. It’s a PG-rated family movie—it’s not The Godfather or The Dark Knight Trilogy.
But, for the love of all that is pagan and Wiccan, drop Max and keep Thora Birch as Dani. Also, keep Thackery Binx in the afterlife. Just a few personal requests.
Would you be excited for a Hocus Pocus sequel? Leave your comments below!
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Source: The Hollywood Reporter.