An almighty Sony mess up has occurred as the tech giant has mistakenly released the new Destiny 2 and Elden Ring DLC’s early on PS5. I’m not that knowledgeable about the Elden Ring game. However, from what I understand the situation is very similar to what has happened with Destiny 2, and that’s a game I do know a lot about.
Elden Ring has a DLC coming out soon called Shadow of Erdtree, and Destiny 2‘s next expansion The Final Shape releases next Tuesday, June 4th. However, in the process of getting both expansions ready for PS5 streaming, Sony has accidentally launched the expansions to any players trying to play through streaming. These are Sony mistakes and therefore none of these leaks have yet made their way to either PC’s or Xbox.
Sony has of course been taking action in the last 24 hours to roll this back somehow. Far as I can tell right now, those efforts haven’t been fully implemented and there are still players getting into instances they should not.
The main thing about this accident is that details from the expansions which devs intended to keep secret are now being leaked left, right and centre on YouTube, Social Media, and Reddit.
Wait, What SPOILERS?
Currently there are a lot of angry gamers out there desperately trying to avoid leaks. Me, I don’t really get it for video games. I went looking for the leaks personally, and they are not that bad. I won’t be providing any spoiler information here, other than the name of the new Raid in Destiny 2. However, if you do want to know about the Destiny 2 leaks, feel free to check out the r/Destiny2Leaks subreddit.
So far I have not come across anyone spoiling the actual story of the The Final Shape. Maybe it is out there, but all I am seeing are images of new weapons, armour and perks. I really don’t see how this is a spoiler as, what did it spoil? Are you angry you didn’t get to scroll through all these on release day? Surely, you’d be more concerned with playing the game you bought, not looking at menus?
RELATED: Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview Hits The Mark With Fans
A good example of this is the Raid, which we have found out is called Salvations Edge. We can see the weapons and armour you can get form the Raid and a few mods that work inside the Raid itself. However, there is no information here which could help players get a head start for the World’s First Race next Friday. None at all.
Ergo, unless someone managed to get through the whole story and starts posting story spoilers, then I’m not sure I can echo what others are saying online. In other words, stay off social media and do a media blackout for the next 6 days, etc. Panic mode activated. I mean, as said, I went looking for them, and all I got see was some weapon frames, a few names and some armour sets. Sorry, but I just don’t get excited about that and can’t ever think of it as a spoiler.
Farming Outrage
Instead I think there are a lot of content creators who are mining clicks with outrageous thumbnails and titles. I’m also seeing a lot of creators have a go at Bungie, the devs of Destiny 2. Clearly, though they are owned by Sony, this was not a Bungie error. As evidenced by the same thing happening to Elden Ring which is a different studio altogether.
Perhaps the Elden Ring leaks are more significant and contain major story spoilers? I could not tell you, but it’s not the case with Destiny 2‘s The Final Shape. Or, if it has happened, then it’s buried very deep because I didn’t find it. I don’t care about story spoilers in a video game unless it’s a very story centric single player game, which Destiny 2 is not. So I did look for story spoilers for the campaign to research this article and found nada.
So, when I see fans posting things on social media like, ‘OMG Bungo, you have just destroyed this DLC for me and I want a refund’. Or, ‘Bungle, just drop the DLC a week early so we don’t get spoiled.’ I kinda just roll my eyes.
What do you think of this news as Sony mess up and release the new Destiny 2 and Elden Ring DLC’s early on PS5? Thoughts below.