Anyone else enjoy StarWarsTheory on YouTube? The channel provides discussion and original content based on the Star Wars universe. They were responsible for bringing viewers the fanfilm Vader: Shards of the Past. The channel’s latest video has brought part of Colin Trevorrow’s script titled Star Wars: Duel of the Fates, which would have been the ninth entry into the Skyalker Saga had Trevorrow not left the project.
Below is where you can find the excerpt of Trevorrow’s script.I actually thought this video was really cool. Again I plead with Disney, may we have a Star Wars: What If? TV series? Anyway, enjoy!
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I have to say, fans in another universe, on a different timeline, are likely thoroughly enjoying Trevorrow’s Episode 9. I know I would have preferred it over what we received.
Abrams came in and did a decent cleanup job. However, looking back, I wonder what an all Abrams trilogy would have looked like. The Rise of Skywalker was, alright, I guess. It had a couple of moments, but my favorite part of the film was the droidsmith, Babu Frik.
Sadly, at least for me, it seems Disney is moving away from stories about Force users. I know that they’re the focus of the High Republic novel series, but I am referring to on the screens, film, and television. Hopefully, some new and interesting space wizards will find their way to Disney+
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Source: Star Wars Theory