Star Wars: Lando Back In The Falcon With Rey In New Fun Animated Short

Check out the new animated short above, Rey and Lando are replaced by Funko pops as she enlists Lando’s help getting the iconic spaceship off the ground. Chaos ensues as the old hunk o’ junk struggles to take off as the BB-8 and new droid D-0 are rushing around trying to keep it from falling apart around them.

This is of course a small promo for The Rise of Skywalker and ends with a message to check out the movie later this year. I don’t think there is any indication that this is in any way canonically connected to The Rise of Skywalker, since Rey and Lando have not even met yet and D-0 hasn’t yet been introduced. But it’s still a fun little promo for the movie and highlights the attraction of Billy Dee Williams being back in the series.

Far as we know, Lando doesn’t have a massive role in The Rise of Skywalker, but we know from that initial teaser trailer that at some point he does sit in the pilot chair of the Falcon again (check the thumbnail image). Other than that, we’d need to get right into spoiler territory to discuss what Lando is up to in the next movie and unfortunately the leaks seems to be extremely accurate, so we shall stay well clear of that for now. After all, it’s less than three months now until we get to see the movie properly. It’s also hard to gauge a movie based on spy reports, because you never quite get the full picture.

We can probably expect the final trailer for The Rise of Skywalker (already classified by the BBFC) to hit sometime in the next week or two. I guess when that hits we can all start to speculate again on any new footage from the latest official trailer. Until then, enjoy the Funko pop animated short.

RELATED: New Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Trailer Has Been Rated, But When Will We See It?

What do you think of this little promo, and what are your hopes for Lando in the next movie? Don’t be a double crossing, no-good swindler and leave some thoughts in the usual place below.

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SOURCE: Lucasfilm

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