Today will mark one week until we can all binge Stranger Things 2. The sibling team of Ross and Matt Duffer who gave us the series that is a delicious, homecooked stew of 80s goodness recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter and addressed the cast’s rapid aging. Co-creator Ross Duffer has a simple way of dealing with the issue:
“It’s better to adjust the narrative to fit the ages than to try to rush the process. They grow so fast, we would have to move at such a speed to keep them young. Even over the course of these nine episodes, you can see them getting older. That’s something that plays over a week. We want to move as fast as we can, but it’s not really dictated by the kids.”
I would say fitting the story to the cast’s ages is not only easier but is also going to produce better quality content. Perhaps in future seasons the Duffer brothers can introduce some sort of time anomaly to explain the older appearance of the cast. Along with Ross, his brother Matt also gave his thoughts on the matter:
“Even if I had the choice to freeze them in time, I wouldn’t. We don’t want to be repeating ourselves. This show is going to naturally evolve and feel different year to year, and that to me is a good thing. I like that we’re able to watch them grow. Look at Harry Potter. How powerful was that to grow up with those kids? For me, that made that series especially potent.”
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Let the kids and the show grow together. I like what Matt Duffer said about not repeating themselves, this is a good sign that future seasons of Stranger Things will bring something fresh to each season while keeping the aspects that made it great. It is even possible once the cast gets too old, they can bring in all new actors and start a new story.
Stranger Things 2 comes to Netflix October 27.
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Source: THR