Tag: SXSW 2023

Ashley Soto Paniagua And Dani Adaliz Discuss Unemployed Advice | Chuchi & Adaliz Exclusive

Chuchi And Adaliz made their world premiere at SXSW.  A series that has the stars wearing multiple hats to make it possible. Ashley Soto Paniagua and Dani Adaliz take part as showrunners and co-writer of

Pay or Die | Rachael Dyer and Scott Alexander Ruderman on Health Care Battles for Diabetics – SXSW 2023

The crazy statistic of 37.3 million Americans, or 10 percent of the country, have diabetes in one form or another. At least 3 million must have regular insulin injections to survive. Despite the commonality, most

Art For Everybody | Miranda Yousef on the Real Thomas Kinkade – SXSW 2023

Thomas Kinkade entered many American homes through his well-known art in the 1990s. His beautiful art leaped to the top of the art world, with many people decorating their living rooms. However, Kinkade has his

Periodical | Lina Lyte Plioplyte, Amanda Spain, Madeleine Morales and Anusha Singh on Menstruation Movement – SXSW 2023

For decades in America, society has seen menstruation as a taboo discussion. From period products to sales taxes on female hygiene products, this feminism movement is slowly changing politics and culture, as shown in the

Black Barbie: A Documentary | Lagueria Davis on History of the Other Barbie — SXSW 2023

Most people will associate Mattel’s Barbie with this slim, blonde, blue-eyed plastic doll. However, a different Black Barbie existed for children for many decades that most people didn’t talk about. Director Laguria Davis stumbled across

The Long Game | Cast and Director Address Golfing and IRL People – SXSW 2023

People forgot that Americans were divided drastically by segregation only a few decades ago. The Long Game, the film is based on a remarkable true story of a group of Mexican-American high school students who

Chuchi And Adaliz | Exclusive Clip

Chuchi And Adaliz will be making its world premiere in SXSW this month.  A series that has the stars wearing multiple hats to make it possible. Ashley Soto Paniagua and Dani Adaliz take part as