Tag: Thunderbolts

Winter Guard, Thunderbolts And Young Avengers Speculation | Free Talk Friday

The MCU is potentially about to go team up crazy. We have the possibility, nay outright hints that Thunderbolts, Winter Guard and Young Avengers could all be getting set up in the MCU. So Let's

What MCU Team Ups Can We Expect Going Forward? | Free Talk Friday

Today I am discussing MCU team ups and what could be on the horizon. Specifically potential Thunderbolts, Young Avengers, or Dark Avengers projects.  So let's talk what we think is coming up in the MCU

Justin Hammer And The Thunderbolts, Are You Listening Marvel?

The idea of a Thunderbolts movie has been in my mind since Iron Man 2. If you'll remember the villain was jealous of Tony Stark and slightly less intelligent than him too. He'd make a great member