May is here and which means summertime! And as most comic and pop culture fans know this normally means new movies for summer. This also brings big comic events in Marvel and DC but with things not back to normal just yet, that may be hard to still feel safe to see a movie in theaters. Good thing we still have comics to look forward to this summer and maybe just getting outside and enjoy nature again. I have normally gone over each main comic company and their release titles for the month. This time I will try something different and just tell you what is expected to be released each week from each company. The big thing to remember is that the following titles are not guaranteed to be out the weeks I give but sometimes issues arise, and some are postponed or canceled. I have been at this hobby for well over 30 years and still collect new releases from each comic company. I try to give you my best call on what books will be the hot issue for the month and some issues that are worth your time to read and collect. I did miss giving my insight on the first week of May. But I hope you did get some of the titles that become hot that week! The following are some of the titles that people are going crazy for. Again, I am just going over a few titles not everything that will be released that week. Please remember that some titles and series are subject to be delayed. Each comic company has its ongoing series and great titles to collect so please check out your local comic shop!
Week One May 5, 2021
From Image Comics there was Commanders in Crisis #8 (of 12) written by Steve Orlando with art by Davide Tinto. The story gives the reader a better look at what happened to the world and why things are the way there now. Another great book that was being in the works for years before its release, The Good Asian #1 (of 9) written by Pornsak Pichetshote with art by Alexandre Tefenkgi. A great story to check out and the art fits the storytelling perfectly. Another hot title from Image is Nocterra, issue #3 came out this week along with a second print of #1 because of the huge following and the first print selling out. This is written by Scott Snyder with art by Tony S. Daniel. It seems this company has been on spot with some great titles, the other hot title is called Silver Coin. They released a second print of #1 because that was gone as soon as it hit the shelves.
Dark Horse released Fear Case #4 (of 4) ended this mini-series which has been a fun adventure. This is written by Matt Kindt with art by Tyler Jenkins. Marvel Comics released the new mini-series, Heroes Reborn that is written by Jason Aaron with art by Ed McGuinness. It is a world without the Avengers being created and should be a fun read. We are guided by Blade in this new world as he narrates the action of heroes in the story. A great storyline in case you are missing is in the series called, Immortal Hulk #46, which is written by Al Ewing with art by Joe Bennett. The covers for a long run now have been done by Alex Ross and are incredibly detailed. The hot title from Marvel is Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1, written by Charles Soule with art by fan-favorite Steven McNiven. It covers the adventures of Boba Fett as he makes his way to deliver Han Solo who is frozen in carbonite. This is a must for Star Wars fans and those that wanted to know how Boba Fett made his delivery without losing it.
Dynamite released a new title called Invincible Red Sonja #1 that is written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner with art by Moritat. DC Comics came out with a fun comic featuring Batman called, Batman: Fortnite Zero Point. This is written by Christos Gage with art by Reilly Brown, Christian Duce, Nelson DeCastro, and John Kalisz. This comic was never thought to be a huge hit but, each comic comes with a code that you can use in the game Fortnite. And if you collect all six issues you can get the Batman Armor code for the game. This was supposed to be fun simply read, but the art is amazing along with the story, combined with a code that made the first print sell out fast. Issue #2 came out last week. Also, DC released Batman #108 written by James Tynion with art by Jorge Jimenez. In this, we get the full first appearance of the new character Miracle Molly. These are the titles that are hot for the first week of May.
Week two May 12, 2021
New this week from Image Comics comes Geiger #2 written by Geoff Johns with art by Gary Frank. This story is great and again the first print did sell out so get on board and enjoy the ride. The other title coming out from Image and worth checking out are the following. Ice Cream Man #24was written by Maxwell Prince with art by Martain Morazzo and Chris O’Halloran. Karmen #3 (of 5) written and drawn from Guillem March. Silver Coin #2 written by Chip Zdarsky with art by Kelly Thompson, each issue covers a one-shot story focused around a very evil silver coin.
Marvel is releasing Heroes Reborn #2 written by Jason Aaron with art by Dale Keown and Ed McGuinness. The story continues in a world without Avengers. X-Corp #1 is being released this week that is written by Tini Howard with art by Alberto Foche.
From Aftershock Comics, Maniac of New York #4 (of 5) written by Elliott Kalan with art by Andrea Mutti. A fun read as we get more information on the past of the key characters in this mini-series. Another great title from this company is Scouts Honor #5 written by David Pepose with art by Luca Casalanguida.
From Scout Comics comes Stake #3 written by David Byrne and art by Francesca Fantini. This follows the adventures of Angel who hunts vampires and it is a fun series so far and worth time to read.
DC Comics is releasing Batman: The Detective #2 written by Tom Taylor with art by Andy Kurbert, and this series has not been bad so far. And once you thought DC was done with Future State, we then get Future State: Gotham #1 written by Dennis Culver and Joshua Williamson with art by Giannis Milonogiannis. A fun series call Rorschach has issue #8 coming out that is written by Tom King with art by Jorge Fornes. These are hot titles for this week, and a must to stop and pick up at your shop.
Also Check Out: Batman: Caped Crusader Animated Show Coming To HBO Max
Week Three May 19, 2021
For next week DC will have the following books that should be checked out. Batman: Fortnite Zero-Point #3 written by Christos Gage with art by Reilly Brown, and again you get that code and need to collect them all to get that Batman Armor. Wonder Girl #1 written and drawn by Joelle Jones comes out. This follows the adventures of Yara Flor who is Wonder Girl, and what her fate has to do with the Wonder Woman Universe.
From Boom! Studios come the third print of Magic the Gathering #1 written by Jeb MacKay with art by Ig Guara. The fans are not getting enough prints so now they will be doing a third print! If you have a #1 first print you got lucky.
Image is doing a third print of Geiger #1 this week that is written by Geoff Johns with art by Gary Frank. Fans get another chance to get their hands on a number one because they keep selling out. Radiant Black #4 written by Kyle Higgins with art by Eduardo Ferigato will be out. The story has been super so far and has not been disappointing.
Marvel will have Daredevil #30 out that is written by Chip Zdarsky with art by Marco Checchetto. This story arc has been a blast to read and no spoiler having Elektra as Daredevil has been a real treat. Heroes Reborn #3 (of 7) written by Jason Aaron with art by Federico Vicentini and Ed McGuinness will be available this week as well. Way of X #2 written by Si Spurrier with art by Bob Quinn will be out, and we get to see who the villain is now. Not a ton of books coming out this week but still some great titles to add to your collection.
Week Four May 26, 2021
DC Comics will have Robin #2 out that is written by Joshua Williamson with art by Gleb Melnikov. Detective Comics #1036 written by Mariko Tamaki with art by Clayton Henry and Dan Mora. The Detective series is rarely a letdown to fans and this story will have Huntress in it. Batman/Superman #18 written by Gene Luen Yang with art by Ivan Reis. This is been one of the best volumes of Batman/Superman and this series is worth reading.
IDW Publishing will have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #3 coming out. This is written by Tom Waltz, Peter Laird, and Kevin Eastman with art by Ben Bishop. This has been a sad future outcome for our last Ninja Turtle, but the story is good.
Marvel will be releasing Alien #3 written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Salvador Larroca. In this series, Marvel tries to give us their spin on an Alien story and to be honest not terrible but leaves nothing new. They will also have Heroes Reborn #4 out as well that is written by Jason Aaron with art by Ed McGuinness.
Image book Haha #5 written by Maxwell Prince with art by Gabriel Walta will be out, every issue has been unique and a joy to read. Also, from Image there is Shadecraft #3 written by Joe Henderson with art by Antonio Fabela will be out and a fun adventure with brother and sister. Two Moons #4 written by John Arcudi with art by Bill Crabtree will also be released. Summoner’s War: Legacy #2 was written by Justin Jordan with art by Giovanna Niro. I did not think I would like this at all, but the story and art go perfectly together and if you are a fan of magic you need to be collecting this series.
Well, here is my take on books that are worth picking up and adding to your collection. Again, there are a ton of titles out there from publishers, but I just try to pick ones that are the hot item for that month. Thanks again for stopping by to check out my column and please take the time to look around our site for other great columns, stories, and videos. Keep your collection growing and hopefully one day back at a Comic Convention.