The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: There Is ‘Very Little Stuff To Do,’ Says Star Anthony Mackie

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has “very little stuff to do”? Read on!

The COVID-19 pandemic has made covering shows and films very confusing. It’s almost impossible to know where things truly stand. Production timelines rarely allow for shows to shoot in order. As such, when many were shut down, it was unclear if they’d be able to make their release dates. For example, there was no guarantee that, even if they only had two weeks left of shooting, that those scenes weren’t from early episodes. Such was the case for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

When the production came to a halt, it was largely reported there was just a couple of weeks left to shoot. However, there were follow-up rumors that there was enough footage left that they were considering splitting the season in half. That they’d release a few episodes this year, shoot and edit the rest, and release it in 2021. But, like pretty much every other rumor out there, this has yet to be corroborated by Marvel Studios.

But what does star Anthony Mackie have to say?

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“I’m happy to say we are not canceled,” Mackie told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. “We are on hold. We’re going back hopefully sometime soon and finish it up, we have very little stuff to do. I’m very happy with it. We have a little more to go back to do. But everybody rest assured, it will come out. We’re not canceled.”

Unfortunately, the phrase Mackie used wasn’t quantifiable. For all we know “very little stuff” could still amount to two weeks. Hell, it could mean one day, but if that one day is for an early episode, it can have an effect on the release for the rest of the series. Regardless, if you were worried about the show getting canned (which we weren’t), you can put those concerns at ease.

Marvel Studios and Disney+ have been pretty mum on the release of their shows so far. Even before COVID-19, we only had rough release dates. With the current state of things, I can’t exactly blame them for keeping things even closer to the chest. Unfortunately, this very much feels like one of those things we’ll just have to be patient on.

Do you think The Falcon and the Winter Soldier having very little stuff to do means it could hit this August? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon

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