Initially, the Venom film was reported to be separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but still part of a bigger Sony Marvel Universe built around Spider-Man characters such as Venom, Carnage, Black Cat, and Silver Sable. Then, just last week, Spider-Man: Homecoming producer Amy Pascal, of Sony, said Venom and Silver & Black would be a part of the same world they had built for Homecoming and that there was the possibility that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man would show up in those films, saying “Never say never.” Pascal has since clarified her previous statement, confirming these films are not a part of the MCU, as most interrupted the quote, but instead part of Sony’s independent Marvel Universe.
Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland, happens to agree. Cinemablend reports that at a Spider-Man: Homecoming press junket, Holland was asked if he was showing up in the Venom movie:
“That is something that is far beyond my control. As I know now, I am in the MCU. I am the MCU Spider-Man. I exist in the world of the Avengers. The Venom movie takes place in a different universe, so I have no plans to show up in those movies any time soon. But you know, things change! We’ll have to wait and see.”
Sure, producers like Pascal and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige know all the answers, even if they can’t clearly communicate them, but if Holland were set to appear, even for a small role in Venom, you’d think he’d know about it by now. Venom has a release date of October 5, 2018, so shooting can’t be far off and Holland would have to know soon, if not now, due to his busy schedule. So, again, “Never say never,” but it doesn’t look likely based on his comments and those of Pascal.
But, would Holland want to join Tom Hardy in the Venom film? Screen Rant asked Holland if he hopes to appear in Sony’s Marvel Universe:
“That’s something that’s not up to me, I am the MCU’s Spider-Man, I exist in a world with the Avengers. If Venom exists in that world, I don’t really know the answer to that question. I don’t think he does. But yeah, any opportunity to work with Tom Hardy, I’d jump to it.”
Slightly conflicting answers with incredibly similar caveats, but at least Holland is game and knows when to admit these things aren’t really in his control. But, who wouldn’t want to be in Venom? The chance to work with Hardy and aid in keeping the Venom film from being a Spider-Man-less disaster would be too good to pass up. Though, again, it’s not looking good.
Spider-Man: Homecoming swings into theaters on July 7, 2017 and Venom crawls onto the big screen on October 5, 2018.
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Source: Cinemablend, Screen Rant