Exclusive Interview with Director Zack Parker for ‘Proxy’

proxy2 Lonely people will certainly do crazy things to get attention. Director Zack Parker presents a dark thriller with twist and turns in “Proxy.” Latino-Review had an exclusive telephone interview with Parker to discuss the

Jeremy Renner To Play Another Sharpshooter In An Upcoming Film

Before Batman and Spider-man, there were American western folk heroes. Characters based off of real live people who roamed the wild west like Bufallo Bill, Jesse James and Billy the Kid. One of these western

Tom Holland Also Doesn’t Believe His Spider-Man Will Appear In Venom, But Would Like To

Initially, the Venom film was reported to be separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but still part of a bigger Sony Marvel Universe built around Spider-Man characters such as Venom, Carnage, Black Cat, and Silver Sable.

Singer Releases Quick Video From Set of ‘X-MEN: APOCALYPSE’

Lost in all the chatter about DC's BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and Marvel's CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR is the fact that there's another star-studded superhero epic coming out within the next three months. Yes, Fox has