While we’re all waiting for another kind of Star Wars news, the trailer for Rise of Skywalker, we do have another tidbit for you folks orm a galaxy far, far away. For having one of the worst productions in recent memory, Solo: A Star Wars Story turned out, well, better than I expected. I thought the film could have been better for sure, but I though Alden Ehrenreich did a good enough job as the galaxy’s most famous smuggler.
While this didn’t come as a surprise to me personally, because I seem to be fond of most any character he plays. Woody Harrelson’s Tobias Beckett character was one of the better parts of the film for me. Harrelson recently said he would like to reprise the role in a prequel film while answering questions from Fandom community members. You you can check out what he had to say below.
“Be tough for me because they killed him off. So … prequel? Sure. Defo.”
Harrelson also stated that he would not want to play the character in a limited series.
“No. I probably wouldn’t want to do that. I’d want to do a limited series, but not that one.”
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While I’m certainly not asking for this film, if it were to be made, I would most likely watch it, at least once. Woody Harrelson is just one of those actors for me where I will watch most anything he is a part of, to an extent anyway. I really liked Beckett as a mentor to Han Solo. Also, don’t forget to email LRM’s Kyle Malone here and tell him how much you loved Solo: A Star Wars Story, because it’s his favorite Star Wars film and he loves hearing how much other people love it.
Would you watch a prequel film about Beckett? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Fandom