In an extraordinary celebration of Disney’s legendary century-long legacy, the highly-anticipated short film, “Once Upon A Studio,” is making its streaming debut on Disney+ today, as part of Disney’s grand centennial anniversary festivities. The magical tribute to the studio’s rich history will also be showcased on Disney Channel, Disney Junior, Freeform, FX, FXX, and FXM, with additional broadcasts scheduled for Disney Junior on October 18 and Disney Channel on October 22. As an added treat, “Once Upon A Studio” will take center stage theatrically, gracing the screens in front of the Disney100 special engagement of “Moana,” which will continue its theatrical run through October 26.
In a spectacular display of creativity, “Once Upon A Studio” brings together 543 beloved Disney characters from over 85 feature-length and short films. Heroes and villains, princes and princesses, sidekicks, and sorcerers come to life in all-new hand-drawn and CG animation, commemorating ten decades of storytelling, artistry, and technological achievements. The emotional and joyful reunion is led by none other than the iconic Mickey Mouse, uniting these cherished characters for a group photo to mark Disney’s 100th anniversary. The short film is a product of the creative minds of Dan Abraham and Trent Correy, with Yvett Merino and Bradford Simonsen serving as producers.
Disney+ Celebrates Disney100 in Grand Style
Today, Disney+ introduces a special content promotion feature for its US subscribers, in celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary. The inaugural content promotion spotlights an exclusive piece dedicated to 100 years of Disney storytelling, reminding viewers that the greatest stories continue to live on Disney+.
Furthermore, starting today, Disney+ subscribers can immerse themselves in the stunning 4K restoration of the timeless animated classic, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” This remarkable restoration of the 1937 masterpiece is the result of the collaborative efforts of the Walt Disney Studios Restoration and Preservation team, in close partnership with key artists from Walt Disney Animation Studios. This same team recently worked on the critically acclaimed restoration of Walt Disney’s 1950 classic, “Cinderella,” which made its debut on the service in August.
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Disney+ initiated the 100th-anniversary celebration earlier this year with the addition of 27 restored Walt Disney Animation Studios classic shorts, featuring iconic stars such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Chip ‘n’ Dale, and the studio’s very first star, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Fans can continue to revel in the 100th-anniversary spirit by streaming all their favorite movies and television series, thoughtfully organized by release date decade in the Disney100 collection.
As Disney continues to honor its rich history and enduring legacy, “Once Upon A Studio” and the abundance of classic content on Disney+ serve as a reminder that the magic of Disney storytelling will continue to captivate audiences for generations to come.