Ben Affleck’s The Batman Script Inspired by David Fincher’s The Game

Thus far, the road for the upcoming solo Batman film, The Batman, hasn’t been an easy one. From Ben Affleck taking on triple duties of writing, directing and starring in the film, to him reducing

How Much Money Your Favorite Movie Slasher Scared Up At The Box Office

It is tearing up the box office, having grossed more money in its opening weekend than any other R-rated horror movie before it. And with an 87% score on Rotten Tomatoes and a pretty-favorable B+

IT 2 Will Change The Character Of [SPOILER]

*This Post Contains Spoilers for IT 2* When it comes to movie adaptations of popular novels, there will always be a fight between the book readers and the movie watchers. We have all heard why

Carrie Fisher’s Daughter Billie Lourd Auditioned For The Role Of Rey

    The original Star Wars trilogy relied heavily on the aspect of family. Fathers and sons reunited, and siblings becoming a little too familiar with each other. When the director of Star Wars: The