Scrapped George Lucas Star Wars TV Show Was Written And Ready To Go

Remember back before the dark time, before the Disney Empire? There were reports that a George Lucas Star Wars TV show was coming along. To be fair, the show seemed to never actually materialize, although

Evidence That Godzilla Vs Kong Is Delayed Till May 2021? |LRM’s Barside Buzz

There may be some evidence to suggest Godzilla Vs Kong is delayed till May of next year. Godzilla Vs Kong is currently scheduled for release on November 17 of this year. However, fans have wondered

Justice League Snyder Cut Will Not Resurrect Snyder-verse | LRM’s Barside Buzz

Last week’s biggest story was definitely the confirmed release of the Justice League Snyder Cut. And when the announcement was made, several fans and journalists speculated whether it could lead to more movies in the