Author: Stephon White

Stephon White

One Producer Thinks A Quiet Place Could Be Scarier At Home

At home versus in the theatre. Which is the better experience? According to A Quiet Place producer, Andrew Form, the former may be the best way to watch his movie. You're in a theater [versus]

Venom Producer On Why Kids Love Venom

Silver and Black, Venom, Morbius the Living Vampire. Interesting choices from Spidey’s gallery of rogues, and all existing outside the universe of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Just what is Sony up to? Are they trying to cash in on

Thomas Wayne To Have Big Role In Joaquin Phoenix Joker Film

Something is percolating in the Batman-verse, and this news comes right from Collider’s Jeff Sneider. But be warned, this is a rumor. So, take it or leave it. It’s interesting nonetheless. And here we go: