You have a real problem, and we understand. You’ve already watched Avengers: Endgame more times you can count, have watched all the featurettes, have listened to the commentary, and have combed every website known to man in search of any other nugget of information that you can glom onto. Luckily, you have us here to point you in the right direction.
Wired just posted a new video on their channel where they interviewed the Visual Effects Producer Jen Underdahl. In the 20-minute video, she goes over many big key moments in the movie. Check out the video below:
RELATED – Avengers: Endgame Gets Amazing Once Upon A Time In Hollywood-Inspired Trailer
This clip really does show just how much work goes into even the most mundane aspects of the film. While we know these movies require visual effects of the highest caliber, we often don’t understand the sheer number of things that are completely fabricated. Case in point: the Cap v. Cap fight featured a completely green-screened set, which is insane to me.
What was the most surprising fact you learned in this video? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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