Category: DC

Justice League Producer Says Ben Affleck ‘Planning’ On Playing Batman Again

Here we go. It’s impossible to get one piece of news regarding Ben Affleck’s future in the DCEU without getting another piece of potentially-contradictory information immediately after. Earlier today, we reported on a rumor that

Justice League: How Many Post-Credits Scenes Does It Have?

Comic book movies have a grand tradition of post-credits scenes. The act of having these scenes has been around for decades, but Marvel Studios really capitalized on it to help tease future films in the

RUMOR: Matt Reeves Has An Actor In Mind If Ben Affleck Steps Down As Batman

For some reason or another, these rumors regarding Ben Affleck wanting to depart from the DC Extended Universe will not stop. After over a year of what seems like a very public falling out between

Justice League’s Rotten Tomatoes Score Has Been Revealed!

Last night on the Rotten Tomatoes Facebook show, See It/Skip It, fans finally got a glimpse at the rating Justice League received from the review aggregate site (at least as of 3 PM yesterday). The rating

Long Time Editor For DC Comics Fired After Sexual Harassment Claims

The current high profile cases of sexual harassment that have come to light seem to have many other victims gather their courage and come forward with their experiences. So is the case with Eddie Berganza,

Justice League Review Round-Up: What Do Critics Think?

Rotten Tomatoes may be holding off on the actual rating for the film, but reviews for Justice League are officially up. And the consensus seems to be mixed to negative on a lot of fronts,

Justice League Tracking Below Thor: Ragnarok’s Opening Weekend

Justice League is set to hit theaters tomorrow night, and with it, Warner Bros. is undoubtedly hoping to bring in the mountains of cash that one would expect with characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman,

Justice League Rotten Tomatoes Score Leaked Via Smart Phone App

Rotten Tomatoes has made the annoying decision to hold off on revealing the Tomatometer score for Warner Bros.’ new film, Justice League. Normally, the rating would pop up after its first batch of reviews (usually

The Flash: DeVoe Comes Out From The Shadows

The Flash returned this week coming off the tail of an interesting (in theory) encounter with Amunet.  The episode still left much to be desired for many fans due to the poor choreography, and gaps in the plot. 

Jason Momoa Says Aquaman And Superman “Crossed Paths” In Man Of Steel

That's right, Aquaman was in Man of Steel and you didn't even know it! If you believe Jason Momoa, who plays Aquaman in this week's Justice League, and what Man of Steel /Justice League director Zack