Category: Streaming

Dolemite Is My Name Review: Eddie Murphy Lights Up The Screen In Best Performance In Years | Beyond Fest 2019

In Dolemite is My Name, Eddie Murphy shows that he is back! Playing Rudy Ray Moore, the creator and star of the blaxploitation classic Dolemite, Murphy gives his best performance in years and reminds viewers

Stranger Thing Star’s New Show Prank Encounters Gets A Trailer

Stranger Things star Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin) has his next project ready to hit very soon — later this month, in fact. However, if you were hoping for another horror project or something that similarly tickles

The Witcher To Avoid CG As Much As Possible

Ever since filmmakers started to experiment with CG on films, it’s been one giant scramble to get as many CG monsters on the big screen as possible. The mid-2000s through the mid-2015s is littered with

Titans: DC Universe Polling Fans To Decide Jason Todd’s Fate

Hm…well this feels a bit familiar. Comic book fans may know the age-old story (or perhaps even lived through it themselves) when DC Comics polled fans to determine whether or not the second Robin, Jason

Sony Could Shop Their He-Man Live-Action Film To Netflix

Remember that Masters of the Universe movie? Yeah, that sucker has been in the works for more years than I can even count. Like many other projects in the biz, it’s had a revolving door

WandaVision Will Explore Why Wanda Is Known As Scarlet Witch

Marvel Studios seems to understand the perfect balance between respecting the source comic book material and creating something that can believably exist in some semblance of the real world. This is especially true when it

Trailer And Poster For Netflix’s Post-Apocalyptic Series Daybreak It seems like almost daily we are hearing about another comic book being adapted into a film or a television series. A little over a year ago we heard news that Netflix was going

Netflix Releases Trailer For Documentary ‘Tell Me Who I Am’ Documentaries are sometimes a hard sell now a days on streaming services because a lot of the time the information on documentaries are already known facts. There is usually no drama or suspense to

Green Eggs And Ham First Look (Video)

Netflix is slowly taking over the world, and part of that takeover involves the use of established creatives like Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss, both of which will be used as ammo in the upcoming

Teaser Trailer and Images For Season 2 Of Netflix’s ‘Lost In Space’ The second season of Netflix's remake of the classic Lost in Space series is just a few months away from release. Last year when the first season of the series was released, it did